
So as to be able to assist our clients with their decision making process, the culmination of any investigation must be a report that is detailed, accurate and written with clarity. After all, this is the reason why VIS is engaged to undertake any investigation, to provide clarity to an often unclear situation.

One of the approaches that VIS has continually developed and was the first to introduce to the insurance industry over 16 years ago is the concept of Visualisation of Investigations. What this entails is providing a factual and concise report that incorporates not only text, but also still and moving footage, thereby enabling the reader to visualise the events that took place after only having briefly reviewed the report.

VIS takes pride in continually developing our reporting capabilities and the latest advancement we have made in this arena is the ability to provide personalised reporting via our Case Management System. By incorporating our reporting into our CMS, VIS is able to tailor reports to the requirements of our clients and further we are able to deliver those reports via a secure medium, which email is not.

VIS takes pride in ensuring that each report is written with explicit detail and accuracy, thereby enabling our clients to trust that all the relevant details of the investigation have been captured and presented in the final report.

Due to these unique approaches in our reporting, VIS has ensured that one of the most important components of any investigation, that being the final report is consistently of a superior quality. The reporting capabilities of VIS have ensured that we continue to remain a market leader in the fields of corporate surveillance and factual investigations.